hhhhfuckedagain wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 15, 2011 13:23
hurrdurr, friday, irrelevant post
zendequervain wrote in goshdarnspam Jun 10, 2010 12:52
is this art, hiatusfail, irrelevant post
prodigitalson wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 18, 2010 21:57
art is awesome everybody, fanart, japaaannnnn, gays for everyone, click this or die, goddamn newbie, irrelevant post, annwyd eats tags at midnight, sharing the love
gallitrap wrote in goshdarnspam Jun 02, 2009 12:02
attention duelists, buy shamwow or die, i miss u guyz, i will freeze you, eat glass, hijinks, don't you have anything better to do, i must be stopped, chat, i just died in your arms tonight, i'm a guardian of an entire planet, ffffffff, i love c&c, hideous is c&c's favorite word, fffffffffffffffffffffffffff, goddamn ctrl key this is the sixth time, do we really need more tags, don't live in a house of starscream shit, hideous, irrelevant post, olesia is the worst person, covered in bees, dreams can come true, ian is going to kill olesia in her sleep, i will end you and all you love, i should be working on icons
doyouspeakrobot wrote in goshdarnspam May 31, 2009 01:02
fucking robots get out, irrelevant post
gallitrap wrote in goshdarnspam May 13, 2009 03:23
my fandom can kick your fandom's ass, obsession is an art form, godzilla loev tokyo, artists with a room full of blow, needs more explosions, mocking characters is my middle name, rides unicorns and explodes, my kngdom for an ian, 5d's is the batshit canon, go back to bed, but why is she getting naked?, i'm a guardian of an entire planet, crack is called crack for a reason, what is this god damn crack, pointless crap, blame olesia for everything forever, abusing tags forever, doom is upon us, goddamn ctrl key this is the sixth time, how many tags is this again?, hideous, narwhals, irrelevant post, my parents are deeaaaad, fucking robots get out, what is this monstrocity, olesia is the worst person, this is what happens when you don't tag, godwin weeps, sexytime is one of the tags?, i will end you and all you love
gamblers wrote in goshdarnspam May 07, 2009 13:02
xepi does not know computers, sparkles are always on the menu, artists with a room full of blow, irrelevant post
wolfuntamed wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 27, 2009 18:35
i love c&c, why am i not working on finals, i should be writing an essay, ay really should be studying ack, in demand of cheering up, irrelevant post
grrwoof wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 24, 2009 00:03
Click to view
epic fail, tags killed my parents, no it's not :|, needs more explosions, what are we, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, sparta, ohshit fangirls, pointless crap is awesome crap, i just died in your arms tonight, slow motion, wtf, what's the tag limit?, fangasming, arnold schwarzenegger is cool, ahsoifasihf, what is this post, irrelevant post, hi, this is what happens when you don't tag, !!!!!!!!, artists with a room full of blow, tag me please?, we bring the epic, holy fucknuggets, i must be stopped, video killed the roleplay star, all the tags are stupid guys, your face, this is madness, shitting bricks, abusing tags forever, i'm using this tag for everything, your verdict c&c, slow motion you guys seriously, how many tags is this again?, do we really need more tags, i'm special, wow, hey who's tagging my posts, slow motion you guys
wolfuntamed wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 23, 2009 18:45
holy fucknuggets, epic fail, omg wtf, click this or die, bored ay is bored, irrelevant post